Make sense of all my health data. Suck it in from all my medical care providers, and help me make decisions based on it. Also help me share it Privately on an as-needed basis with my current providers.
Aggregate and help me manage and maximise my holdings, obligations, recurring payments, incomes and investments.
Match my orders and shipments from Amazon and other retailers on my credit card bills. Reconcile every receipt I collect through my AI, which will understand, to account accurately, and help me work through my taxes.
What do I own? I want an inventory of all my digital goods and services, point my phone camera at everything physical that my AI can possibly recognize, and make sense of that too. Know all the books on my shelves and all my digital libraries. Know what Art furniture and collectibles I own both physical and digital, even the stuff in my yard.
Prove that I am the owner of my vehicle, that I am licensed to drive. Keep records of my car’s history and help me find the best priced Insurance and Coverage deals. Run all the records I’ve kept in the glove box and all my service history, look out for good trade in and upgrade offers. Monitor my gas consumption and driving habits to help me get the best deals.
I have thousands of emails and chats, texts too, across lots of platforms. “Help me do a better job of looking back though my contacts and chats and assist me to build relationships, track and deepen my connections”. “Help me cross-reference people with events I attended and may be relevant to me”, integrated via voice conversations with my personal private assistant.
“Who do I know?” How many entries are wrong in one way or another? “Go through and correct them”, “Help me be a better family member, friend, neighbour and colleague”. “Help me help myself, my family, my communities and my country”
“Tell me where I was” on a given day, “what was I doing?”, and “who was I with?”. Knowing all my other personal data will help too. Help me build a map of my past present and future… “give me suggestions of who I might meet” if I am visiting a city or neighbourhood, “reach out and schedule time for a coffee lunch or dinner”
Help me to improve my opportunities, to stay in touch and generate meaningful relationships that will assist me and my business. Make better sense of all the loyalty programs I’m involved with, and get me the best deals on everything I consume from Groceries to Restaurants, Flights, Sports Concerts Subscriptions.